Archive for September, 2011

We were participated….

An exhibition of information communication technology called  “n fo” was held at Ratnapura  college of education,   Kahawatta Wellandura on last 14ht  17ht.
There was a great participation people for  this exhibition which was held throughout four days . We, Oasisdamahana IT foundation received a special invitation for the exhibition. We were reserved a stall.
Our stall was organized by using the evillage project and the activities connected to that. We received great responses from the people who visited our activities in ICT.
members of the oasisdamahana Our online education, Skype video conferencing and community by e-service were evaluated highly. Many persons requested us to have our service for their schools and villagers.
Further the members of Oasisdamahana IT foundation were able to gain new experiences and to promote their abilities. They were able to improve the contacts of community affairs.
The community of our area and the well wishes sponsored us for organizing our stall in the exhibition. We, Oasisdamahana IT foundation express our gratitude for all of them.

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